Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ph.D or Bust

Joe has been doing a lot of posts of late and while comical (pun intended), they haven't been much of an update about our family.

So, here is a list of some of the things going on in our neck of the woods:

Joe and I are graduating this semester with our PhD's.  (It may take a miracle.  Need I say, this is stressful.  We welcome any prayers on our behalf.)

Joe is on the job market (more prayers on this appreciated; I plan on staying home after graduating).

We experienced Lizzie's first case of croup.

We swapped Lizzie's room and the guest room to create a more convenient working space for Joe and I when Lizzie is sleeping.

We had Joe's brother John here for the weekend (he came for the comic forum).

I made my own laundry detergent and dabbled amateurishly in soap making with a Hobby Lobby kit.

We've both heard Lizzie count to 6, but she doesn't do it on demand so it's hard to say if it happened by accident.

Lizzie has slept in until 7 or 8 for 3 days IN A ROW.  This is unheard of for a girl who has woken up by 6 for about 99.9% of her young life.  Maybe she's having a growth spurt.  Maybe she's realized her parents need more sleep.  When I asked her if she was growing, she said, "No Jesus."  Not sure what that means exactly.  We have also asked her before if she had any dreams while sleeping and she answered, "No Jesus."  It is very fun to hear the things Lizzie has to say.

I'm sure there's more really exciting stuff happening in between dissertating, taking care of Lizzie, dissertating, eating, dissertating, sleeping, dissertating, doing church stuff, dissertating, having date night, dissertating, having "Lost" night (a dinner/TV night with friends) and dissertating.  I'll let you know when I think of it.


Taylor Tribute said...

WOW! Many prayers heading your way:) You guys are going to make it. How exciting for you both to have school stresses behind you. Lizzy is growing up so fast- kids say the darnedest things:) Its great to read an update:)

Rebecca said...

Found you blog! Yea. We love your family and hope all goes well!!! Yea for lizzie sleeping in.