Monday, January 10, 2011

The Future is Awesome

One of the only things Emily and I have ever disagreed about is whether or not cars will ever drive themselves.  Sure there may have been something or other that we haven't seen eye to eye about, but nothing comes to mind.

I've always been firmly in the camp that cars that drive themselves while I read comic books in the former-driver's seat are inevitable.  Emily has argued that though the technology may reach that point,  the potential liability issues will prevent a car company from releasing such a product. 

Imagine my joy when I came across this opening sentence in a CNN article: "It's conventional wisdom in the auto industry, but the rest of us may be a bit shocked to find out that cars of the future likely will drive themselves."

Conventional wisdom was the phrase that leaped off the virtual page for me.  It's just accepted that this is inevitable. I believe that means I win this particular debate.

And seeing as how we are so harmonious on every other front, a 1-point lead may prove insurmountable for Emily.


Tianna said...

BJ tells me that Google is already some auto-pilot cars in operation in California. They're beta testers, so there's always an alert driver behind the wheel as a backup, but they drive themselves on the freeway, back roads, city roads, etc.

It's closer than you think.

jdarowski said...

I've also read that same article to Emily.