Friday, June 10, 2011

The Lollipop

Some years ago (possibly ten or more) Joe received a gigantic lollipop as a gift.  He never ate it.  For years it sat on a shelf in his room and visiting nieces and nephews would ask if they could eat it.  For no particular reason, Joe never let them have it.

Cut to the present day, and amongst various possessions still tucked away at his parents' house Joe and Lizzie came across the giant lollipop.  Whereas the appeals of nieces and nephews were never given into to, Joe could not refuse the pleas of his daughter.  It's a good thing sugar doesn't spoil.

Behold, the lollipop:

1 comment:

Smith Family said...

All in one word - sucker! (pun intended!) Or - adorable!

Tell Joe's sister, Kate, I need some pointers on taking cool pictures and putting them together like she does.