Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween and a Violation of the Social Contract

Our church had a Trunk-or-Treat for all the kiddies. This is a nice safe (and compact) way for the young-uns to get loads of candy.  Lizzie is almost two and now routinely asks for a treat before bedtime so I figured she would be all over the idea of people just handing her candy. 

Unfortunately, Lizzie did not grasp this concept at all. So while I was handing out candy, Emily was watching Lizzie run in the grass and hide in the bushes. That's all Lizzie wanted to do.  After twenty minutes I was nearly out of candy and Lizzie had not gotten a single piece. I feel this was a violation of the social contract on some level. As parents there is an understanding that we hand our candy to the children, but simultaneously our kid is getting a wide variety of candy with which to replenish our candy store.  What we lose in volume in this transaction, we more than make up with in variety.  The parents will then go through the kids bag and pick out the good stuff. A win-win for everyone involved.

But because Lizzie was busy playing in the flora our stock wasn't getting replenished. The whole trunk-or-treat thing was winding down when I took matters into my own hands and picked Lizzie up and walked around to five or so cars so that we had something to enjoy when we got home...oh, and so that Lizzie would enjoy herself.  And she did start to get the idea that people were giving her candy, but once she had a piece in each hand, she was good.  Sigh...Lizzie better get the system down next year.

Here are some pics:


Amy said...

So I've been stalking your blog for a while. But did I miss something? What happened to Lizzie's arm?

Amy (Winder) Casaday

Joe and Emily said...

We appreciate your stalking!